What I love about One Way Churches is that we are truly a family; loving, supporting, and interceding on behalf of one another. I am confident that we will continue to glorify the name of our risen savior for years to come, making Him famous, and not we ourselves. We Preach Jesus.
Bishop S.Y. Younger
Vice Presiding Prelate
The Ramp Church International, Lynchburg, Virginia
What is the responsibility of OWCI membership churches

Spiritual: it is the responsibility of every OWCI church to pray for the OWCI vision and leadership.
Physical: The members of OWCI churches are to be encouraged to attend national and regional meetings and also support local OWCI churches.
Financial: OWCI is supported by the monthly OWCI church offering which is received at each local assembly and is $1 per member. It is also supported by the credential fees received from credential holders.
What are the functions of OWCI

One Way Churches International is committed to building the local church through education, equipping and evangelism. By establishing collaborative partnerships to empower the local church, our Strategic Support Services seeks to provide resources and support that is accessible to all OWCI Churches to ensure ministry health. These support services include:
Creative- Branding and Marketing are not as simple as we often think. Our creative team will help ministries brand/rebrand and develop a marketing strategy that best suits the context of your church and community. Our team of creatives will also assist with providing technology and design solutions for your ministry enhancement.
Leadership- Organizations can be difficult at times. Our team will provide leadership and organizational structure development, strategic planning, evaluation, coaching, workshops, creative and leadership solutions to help you and your congregation simplify, solidify and maximize resources.
Outreach- The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Our outreach team is prepared to provide systems and tools that promote evangelism, discipleship and volunteer engagement. Our team will also provide resources and proven outreach methods. It’s time to reach members and keep them engaged.
Finances- Church finances can be a difficult area of ministry. Our team is prepared to provide assistance with budgeting, bookkeeping, fundraising, as well as financial legal documentation. Our team can also provide resources for securing additional sources of income that fits within your vision.
One Way Churches International is committed to planting life giving churches through training, coaching and financial support. We believe we can win souls through church planting. Church Planting is considered to be one of the most effective strategies for the growth of the body of Christ.
Application Process: The church planting candidate will complete an application with their intent to plant. This application will include the proposed region, demographic information, statistics, planned vision as well as a pastoral letter of recommendation and two-character references. Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the review committee and an assessment will be scheduled. The planter (and spouse) will be assessed in the areas of vision for the local church; marriage & family life; emotional maturity; character and relationship building. If the church planter (and spouse) is approved, a structured and spiritual process of discernment, vision development, training and fundraising will begin. If approved to plant, One Way Churches International will assign a planting coach that will lead you through the One Way Churches International launching process and connect with the Strategic Support Services at the appropriate steps of your launch plan. Church planters will remain with the planting coach until one-year post launching. One Way Churches International will match up to $5,000 of the funds raised by a church plant once a launch budget has been finalized and approved. Churches who receive matching funds commit to also reinvesting into the planting initiative.
One Way International is committed to the preservation of our theological values. As our organization grows and matures it is of utmost importance that we continue to produce and publish biblically sound and doctrinally correct literature and curriculum. It is our desire to compile a Ministers’ Manual and a 1-year Bible curriculum that can be used for Bible Study and Sunday School. This 1-year curriculum will also highlight biblical seasons of Advent, Passover as well as other notable Christian celebrations.
What is the vision

To support and encourage church planting
Address social needs on a larger scale
Start an accredited school of higher education for the purpose of training ministers, missionaries, and bible teachers
To purchase, sale, and utilize property for the purpose of additional revenue for the reformation
To establish a Christian publishing company that will highlight OWCI authors and other Christian writers